We are very excited to introduce Natalie Roe, our latest Youth Spotlight!

“Her career in 4-H is what introduced her to the Brown Swiss breed where Bryan, Chris and Brie Voegeli helped Natalie pick out a spring calf for a 4-H project."

Natalie is the daughter of Dan and Sally Roe and resides in Monticello, WI with her brothers Nick and Alex. Her family owns a cash crop grain farm and commercial grain elevator.

Natalie is currently attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison double majoring in Dairy Science and Life Science Communication. Her future plans consist of earning her degrees at UW-Madison and pursuing a career in Agriculture Marketing or Communications. While developing her career she plans to continue her involvement in the Brown Swiss breed.  

Natalie’s life has simply revolved around Agriculture. She grew up helping her family on their crop farm. She has been heavily involved of 4-H and FFA participating in speaking contests, CDE’s, officer teams, and the list goes on! She was very avid in animal projects beyond Brown Swiss. She showed pigs, dairy cattle, rabbits, ducks and even her dog! Her career in 4-H is what introduced her to the Brown Swiss breed where Bryan, Chris and Brie Voegeli helped Natalie pick out a spring calf for a 4-H project. She quickly fell in love with the beautiful breed. The Brown Swiss breed has opened the door for many of her achievements. One is having the honor of being the 2023-2024 National Brown Swiss Ambassador. She was able to gain a tremendous amount of experience, insight, and plenty of friends. This opportunity gave her the ability to travel to almost all the National Brown Swiss Junior Shows and collaborate with several other junior members.  

When asked who her role model in the Ag Industry was, she enthusiastically answered with Brian Voegeli. She describes him as “one of the most humble and giving people I know”. She mentioned that he has continuously encouraged her to keep learning and pushed her to reach her goals throughout her Brown Swiss youth experience.

Natalie would like to recommend to all Brown Swiss youth to never be afraid to get involved and share your story. She stated, “both the Wisconsin and National Brown Swiss Association are filled with welcoming juniors and adults that want to help you succeed!” She wants to encourage the youth to take advantage of all the opportunities that they can. Her final words are “You will make great friends along the way!”