Wisconsin Brown Swiss Association was established in 1916!

The Wisconsin Brown Swiss Association promotes breeding, showing and marketing of Brown Swiss cattle through support of the many breeders in the state. Established in 1916, the Wisconsin Brown Swiss Association has an enduring legacy of breed promotion, youth development, and service to the Brown Swiss breed and broader dairy industry.

Mission Statement
To promote and expand the Brown Swiss breed with programs that assist the membership and industry to compete favorably in the market place now and in the future.

Fun Facts

  • Jane of Vernon who is deemed "Mother of the Brown Swiss Breed" hails from Canton III.

  • The state's membership is comprised of four cantons similar to those of Switzerland.

  • World Dairy Expo and the International Brown Swiss Show is hosted in Madison, Wis.

  • Sunnyisle Colby Twilite, owned by Jeff Boldt of Whitewater, Wis., was named Grand Champion Brown Swiss at Expo in 2006.

  • The National Brown Swiss Office is located in Beloit, Wis.

  • Five National Brown Swiss Youth Ambassadors and two Youth Achievement Winners have come from Wisconsin.


  • The Wisconsin Junior Program is open to ages 9-21 and allows juniors to show at canton, state and national shows and enter the State Bell Ringer contest.

  • 1994 - Nelson McCammon created the Share-A-Heifer program and in 2013, with his passing donated funds that were used to update the existing program.

  • The Brown Swiss Queen program is an opportunity for young women ages 15-21 to promote the breed at local, state and national shows. A new Brown Swiss queen is selected each year at the annual meeting.

National Brown Swiss Association


  • The U.S. Brown Swiss Association, formed in 1880 to establish an official herdbook

  • Registers about 10,000 animals per year and serves about 1800 combined adult and junior members.

  • It is governed by a 10-person board of directors elected by and from the membership.

  • Today’s U.S. breeders have built upon the breed’s rich heritage to develop a worldwide demand for their cattle in both the show ring and commercial dairy herd.

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