Becoming a Wisconsin Brown Swiss Association Member

STATE DUES are $25.00 per year plus $.50 per cow. Dues include our Wisconsin Brown Swiss Newsletters. Members also receive a reduced rate for registering animals if you are both a state and national member. State junior membership is $5.00 for ages 8 through 21 as of January 1st. Memberships for each year can be renewed starting January 1st and must be paid to the State Secretary/Treasurer by April 1st.  Anyone who has not paid their dues by April 1st will pay a $50 late fee. For questions on membership contact State Secretary Barb Muenzenberger at

Which Canton am I in?

When you sign up to become a Wisconsin Brown Swiss member, be sure to also sign up for Canton membership which entitles you to participate in regional Brown Swiss shows and meetings. The Cantons have changed. Please see the link below for new Cantons.

Wisconsin Brown Swiss Bylaws